Friday 19th June
Date: 18th Jun 2020 @ 7:29pm
Good Morning Year 4!
It’s Friday again! That means that after today you can have a relaxing weekend. Hopefully the weather will be nicer than it has been and you will be able to spend some time outside.
Today’s maths lesson is a reasoning and problem solving lesson. There are a selection of questions to have a go at on the BBC Bitesize daily lesson. These problems get harder the more you do, so try your best and see how you get on. If you would like an extra challenge I have attached a challenge booklet to this blog. Can you solve the mystery and help the confused emoji find the destination of the road trip?
The English lesson today is a reading lesson based on the book Slime by David Walliams. If you have already read this book (I know that lots of you are big David Walliams fans) I have attached a comprehension that links to Roman Rescue. The questions are aimed at chapters 4 – 6. There is also a fronted adverbials activity if you would like a challenge. If you haven’t started reading Roman Recue yet you can find the book on last Monday’s blog (Monday 8th June).
How are you getting on with the digestive system challenge I set you earlier this week? I hope you are remembering lots of facts from when we covered this topic in class. I have attached an information sheet and revision mat to this blog for you to have a look at.
Iris emailed me yesterday to tell me about a skittles science experiment she has done at home. She has dissolved some skittles in water to create an amazing pattern. Well done Iris!
Emily also sent me a message yesterday. She has been busy writing a superb limerick:
There was a dog called Copper
He was very proper
He was insanely cute
With his little toot
You could tell he was a whopper!
It has been lovely seeing some of you in school and talking to so many of you on the phone this week. I am glad that you are all working so hard, but also finding ways to have fun! Keep up your fantastic work, there are just over 4 weeks to go until the summer holidays!
Have a lovely weekend and I will talk to again on Monday.
Miss Gradwell