Friday 15th May
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 8:05am
Good morning Year 4!
It’s Friday again which means that after today you get a break from work! Hopefully you have all enjoyed learning about Monet this week!
BBC Bitesize has a reading lesson today. It is all about summarising and looking at how the author creates humour through his choice of words and phrases. The book being read today is Charlie Changes into a Chicken by Sam Copeland. Can any of you spot which feature the author has used in the title that we have looked at in class? Did you say alliteration? Can you explain to your mum or dad what alliteration is?
The maths lesson today is a challenge lesson. Test your reasoning and problem solving skills by having a go at today’s questions. For anyone looking for more of a challenge I have attached a maths mystery activity booklet to this blog, can you solve the crime and find the culprit? Also, the perimeter and area 2Do’s will be live until next week so if you haven’t completed them yet you still can.
The final lesson on Bitesize today is an art lesson. It is looking at creating pictures using different techniques including painting, collage making and printing. This might give you even more inspiration to create a Monet themed piece of art.
Deacon and Ava emailed me yesterday with their pictures. I think you will all agree that they have both done an incredible job! Your art is fantastic and I am really impressed!
Finally, for anybody who is missing RE while at home the CAFOD website has a home learning page which it updates weekly with different activities.
Keep emailing your brilliant work into school and keep posting on the class blog as it is lovely to hear from you all.
Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun will keep shining so you can spend time outside.
I will talk to you again on Monday,
Miss Gradwell