Friday 12th June
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 8:25pm
Good Morning Year 4!
It’s Friday again! Let’s have one last day of working hard before you relax and enjoy the weekend.
The BBC Bitesize English lesson today is a reading lesson based on the book Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. I think this is a book you will look at with Miss Davies in Year 5, so rather than spoil this book now I have attached some reading comprehension questions to today’s blog that are linked to the first few chapters of Roman Rescue. If you haven’t read any of this story yet you can find it on Monday’s blog. Hopefully you are enjoying the book.
If you are in Monday or Tuesday’s reading group try the 1 star activity, if you are in Wednesday’s reading group try the 2 star activity and if you are in Thursday or Friday’s reading group or you like a challenge try the 3 star activity.
Today’s maths lesson is looking at data handling in football. It is focussing on how bar charts can be a useful way to present and interpret data. Can you remember when we spent time before Easter looking at statistics? We spent a number of lessons looking at how to draw bar charts and interpret the data they are showing us.
When drawing a bar chart there are some things that you need to remember:
- They must have a title.
- They have a vertical and horizontal axis which must be labelled.
- Bars must be drawn carefully (with a ruler) and should all be the same width.
I have attached a PowerPoint to this blog that explains how to draw a bar chart accurately. Have a look at the PowerPoint and then if you would like extra practise I have attached an activity for you to have a go at.
Did you manage to find out any facts about water safety yesterday? As promised, I have attached some information about the RNLI to this blog. They are an organisation whose volunteer lifeboat crews provide a 24-hour rescue service in the UK and Ireland, and our seasonal lifeguards look after people on busy beaches. Our Flood Rescue Team helps those affected by flooding. RNLI crews and lifeguards have saved over 142,700 lives since 1824 but we’re more than a rescue service. We influence, supervise and educate people too. Why not explore their website to learn more? The Youth Education section of the website has lots of information and activities that might interest you.
1/3 of you have completed the Times Table Rock Star challenges for this week. A huge well done to the 10 of you that have completed the challenges. Can more of you complete these sessions before the end of the day?
Finally for today, I have had emails from Poppy and Florence. They have both completed acrostic poems about friends and have done a great job! Florence has also been busy creating a poster about staying safe by the pool. Great work girls!
I have really enjoyed seeing the work that has been emailed into school this week. Keep sending it in!
Thank you for working hard after the half term break and enjoy the weekend. I will talk to all again on Monday!
Miss Gradwell