Friday 10th July

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 6:37pm

Good Morning Year 4!

It is Friday already! One more day of work before the weekend and hopefully the weather will be better than it has been this week. Next week is your last full week of home learning before the summer holiday so have a relaxing weekend ready for another week of hard work.

Iris has emailed me to share some exciting news. She has a new puppy called Bella who she has been enjoying playing with in the garden. Have a look at the photo, but I will warn you that Bella is unbelievably cute!

The BBC Bitesize maths lesson today is a challenge lesson. See how many of the problems you can solve. I have also attached another mystery booklet for you to solve. This week it is the mystery of the missing tennis racket as Wimbledon should have begun this week.

English today is a reading lesson. You can follow the Bitesize lesson or you can complete the next set of comprehension questions linked to Roman Rescue. This time the questions focus on chapters 13 – 15. Don’t forget, you can go back to previous Fridays’ blogs to find questions linked to earlier chapters. I really hope you are enjoying this book!

The final arts week lesson is another music lesson. Today you can explore the music of Florence Price. Use your body to create a rhythm to go along with the music. You could clap your hands, tap your feet, click your fingers or any other movement you can think of as long as you are keeping in time with the beat of the music.

That’s it for this week. Have a lovely weekend and have a well-earned rest.

I will talk to you all again on Monday.

Miss Gradwell

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