Fabulous week in Y4

Date: 25th Jan 2018 @ 4:04pm

We have had another fabulous week in Year 4!! 

Come and SeeImage result for religion

This week in Come and See we have been continuing our 'communities' topic.   We have discussed all the people that are involved in the Church community and their different roles.

Image result for romans


This week we have been printing mosaic patterns using different materials.  We have been looking at significant events during the Roman period and placing them on a timeline.

Image result for literacy

In literacy,  we have been writing a story with a historical setting. 

In our guided reading sessions we have been reading 'Romans on the Rampage'.

 Image result for numeracy

Last week in numeracy, we have been reading Roman Numerals to 100.

This week in numeracy we have been adding 4 digit numbers, round and estimating, solving 2 step problems and finding all possibilities.


Image result for science

This week in Science we have been continuing our 'electricity ' topic.  We have been looking at different electrical appliances and deciding whether circuits are complete or not.



In Year 4 we have a star of the day.  This is awarded to children have that been consistently well behaved.

This weeks superstars are:Image result for super star

  • James
  • Lila
  • Isobel 
  • Cameron
  • Aaron
  • Tom

Well done and keep up the great work Y4!!!!