Bucket Fillers, Builders and Barney!

Date: 21st Sep 2017 @ 3:37pm

There has been lots happening in Year 4 this week! Here are just a few of the highlights J

Firstly, we have set up our ‘Bucket Filling’ reward system. In our class, we have a display reminding us of some the ways we can fill other people’s invisible buckets. For example, by holding a door open, remembering to say please and thank you, smiling at someone and sharing. Every child has their own ‘bucket filler card’ and when they do something kind or caring for someone, they will be given a sticker to add to their card. Each week, a special certificate will be awarded to one child in recognition of their bucket filling actions.

In Literacy this week, we have enjoyed reading more ‘Stig of The Dump’ and the children have written diary entries from the perspective of Barney. We started off by looking at an example of a diary entry and discussed the key features that need to be included in this type of writing. For instance, the first person, past tense and thoughts/feelings of the writer. Just like real authors do, the children wrote a first draft and then edited and improved their writing. To do this, they visited different ‘editing stations’ set up around the classroom- each one focused on improving a different aspect of their writing. Photographs have been uploaded to our gallery page, so be sure to check them out. Everybody has now written their final draft and Mrs Ryan is really looking forward to reading them.


Our Stone Age topic is continuing to grab everyone’s interest and this week the children learnt about Stonehenge with Miss Barnes and even had a go at replicating it using construction materials! Photographs of this have been added to our gallery page.

In Computing, we have been thinking about how to stay safe online and have explored the Think You Know website where we looked at the SMART rules. Over the next few weeks, we will be thinking about our digital footprint and looking into what cyberbullying is and what to do if this happens.

In RE, the children are enjoying our topic about family. They have explored their own family trees and are now looking at Jesus’ family tree. This week they have learnt about Abraham and Jacob.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week.