British Values Week

Date: 28th Sep 2017 @ 4:17pm

This week has been Values Week and, in Year 4, we have spent time exploring the British values of democracy; the importance of laws; our right to have the freedom to make choices; the importance of respecting each other and the importance of being tolerant towards those who have different faiths and beliefs.

We started off by discussing what each of these values means and how we demonstrate these both inside and outside of school. We talked about how our values help to make up our personal identity.

We then thought about why we are proud to be British. The children each wrote down one reason they are proud to be British. Here are some of the responses:

  • “I am proud to be British because we have the rule of law. This means you have to follow the law or you will be arrested. The laws are there to keep us safe. In school, we have rules like walk inside; don’t run, to help keep us safe.”
  • “I am proud to be British because we value mutual respect. This means treating others as we would like to be treated and being caring towards each other.”
  • “I am proud to be British because we are free to live as we like and have our own opinions. In school, we are free to make our own choices like what we want for lunch, or what games to play at playtime.”
  • “I am proud to be British because we live in a democracy. This means that one person doesn’t boss everyone around. In school, we have a democracy because we vote for members of the school council who help Mrs Hymers to make decisions about school life.”

We also looked at some famous British landmarks, such as the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace and talked about why these are so well known. The children then made collages which will be displayed in school.



In our Comprehension lesson this week, some children read a short biography about the Prime Minister, Theresa May, and answered some questions about her life and her job. Others read about the general election and what happens when there is a ‘hung parliament’. Both of these texts generated lots of interesting discussion. 

All in all, it has been a very interesting week. Photographs of our work will be uploaded soon, so be sure to check our gallery page.

Next week is ‘Poetry Week’ and the children have all been given a copy of the poem ‘Stone Age, Baby, Stone Age’ to learn ready to perform in assembly next Thursday afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone J