Ballots, Bar Mitzvahs and Boudicca!

Date: 11th Oct 2017 @ 3:51pm

This week, we exercised the British value of ‘democracy’ as we voted for our class representatives for this year’s School Council. The prospective candidates gave a short speech on why they felt they would make a good school councillor and, after a close ballot, the winners were announced… huge congratulations to Jamie C and Ava M! We are sure they will do a fantastic job at representing Year 4 and helping Mrs Hymers to make important decisions about school life.

In other news, the children completed their ‘Stone Age’ poems this week and they are now proudly displayed in our classroom. Mrs Ryan was blown away by the quality of the poems- there were lots of examples of rhyming couplets, alliteration, similes, onomatopoeia and even personification! Head over to our ‘gallery’ page to check out a photograph of our poetry display.

The children have been working very hard for Miss Barnes during RE and Topic lessons in the afternoons. As part of ‘Judaism Week’ Year 4 has been learning about holy books. They learnt all about the Torah and how it is revered by Jewish people. Did you know that the Torah is written in Hebrew and read from right to left? Furthermore, children who don’t go to a Jewish school have to attend the synagogue (place of worship) to learn to read Hebrew ready for their Bat Mitzvah. Year 4 were fascinated to learn that a Bar Mitzvah is the celebration for boys whilst a Bat Mitzvah is the equivalent for girls. Throughout the week the children have enjoyed completing a range of activities which have given them an insight into Jewish traditions. For instance, they read a story from The Torah (Rebecca at the Well), had a go at writing some Hebrew letters and also made a card for someone celebrating their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Be sure to check out photographs of these activities on our gallery page.

In Topic lessons, the children spent some time researching Boudicca and writing diary entries from her perspective during the rebellion. Miss Barnes was very impressed to see that the children included both facts and opinions in their diary entries. Some of the children produced a PowerPoint all about Boudicca whilst others re-enacted the rebellion through role play. Next week, the children will be making Stone Age jewellery- photographs will be taken so be sure to take a look!

**Message from Mrs Ryan**

As it is my last day with Year 4 next Friday, we are planning to watch the BBC version of ‘Stig of the Dump’ and have cakes and donuts as a treat for all of the children’s hard work this half term! (I will provide these.) It has been an absolute pleasure teaching Year 4 since September and getting to know the children. I wish them all the very best for the rest of the year and will be sure to pop in with Baby Ryan to say hello and see how everyone is getting on.