Another busy week in Year 4

Date: 9th Nov 2017 @ 4:37pm

We have had another busy week in Year 4!


Come and SeeImage result for religion

This week we have started our 'called' topic.  In our sessions we have discuss what it is like to belong to a group.  We have read the story of 'Samuel is called' and 'David is chosen'.  Then, we discussed what we thought it would be like to be chosen as God's servant and how their lives would change.  Next, we wrote questions and hot seated Samuel and David.   

TopicImage result for digestive system

We have been continuing our topic of 'burps, bottoms and bile'.  We have made models of our digestive system and completed an experiment to show what happens to the food in your stomach.  All the children loved it because is was messy and wanted to bring their 'experiment' home (don't worry I stopped them wink).  

We have looked at different types of linkages and levers in pop up books.


Image result for literacy

This week we have continued to look at explanation text.  First, we organised an explanation text and discussed the importance of logical order.  Next, we edited a incorrect explanation.  Then, we looked at different examples of openings in explanation text and wrote our own.  Finally, we have visited different editing stations around the classroom and changed different aspects of our writing.


 Image result for numeracy


In numeracy, we have been looking at fractions.   First, we have added and subtracted fractions with the same dominator, found missing numbers and solved word problems.  Finally, we have been finding fractions of numbers and using this to help us solve problems.


In Year 4 we have a star of the day.  This is awarded to children have that been consistently well behaved.

This weeks superstars are:Image result for super star

  • Skye
  • Jamie
  • Leah
  • James 

Well done and keep up the great work Y4!!!!