
Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 5:09pm

Welcome back to our blog! This blog is a rather special one, as it is timed to co-ordinate with our brand new learning platform, which we are going to use to set homework on. It is called Emile and we think it's great!


Today, the children in Year 6 received their very first homework tasks on Emile. Here is what they have to do:

  1. Complete the spelling activities for their spelling lists (using the codes- these were sent home today in paper form)
  2. Complete at least 20 minutes times tables practise on the Meso planet.
  3. Complete their maths / SPaG based homework task on Emile (comprising of 20 questions)
  4. Read their home reader for a minimum of 15 minutes per day (whenever they can!)


So far, the children have had a little go at some of the games on the Emile site and feedback has been extremely positive. Some of the Year 6s have even been on Emile to learn through gaming even before their homework was set! Well done, guys!


Homework on Emile is automatically handed in so your child doesn't have to remember to bring it back into school. Result!


Enjoy your homework, Year 6! 



In other news...

This week, we have begun writing our very own autobiographies in literacy lessons.

We have been looking at rounding and negative numbers in our maths lessons, and we have learnt about the circulatory system (in particular, the lungs and how they function).

In geography, we have identified features of our wonderful world, such as the largest continent, deepest river and tallest mountain. 

In Happy, Healthy Me, we have looked at unwanted physical contact and our rights, in relation to our bodies. We learnt the details for the ChildLine website and phone number in case we ever need to use them. The message we received from our learning this lesson was to always speak up and tell a trusted adult if we feel our rights (or the rights of another child) are being impinged upon.