A special visitor

Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 2:29pm

We have had another fabulous week in Year 4yes

Come and SeeImage result for religion

We have been continuing the 'called' topic during our Come and See sessions.  Year 4 have been learning about what happens during the Sacrament of Confirmation.  First, we have created booklets to explain the different signs and symbols.   Next, we have written prayers asking the Holy Spirit to help us when we need a friend .  Then, we listened to 'Christ be our light' and explored the meaning of the song and discussed how this will help us in our daily lives.


TopicImage result for teeth

This week we have been learning all about teeth!laugh 

In our topic lessons we have been learning about the different types of teeth and their function.  Next, we have made booklets using purple mash to explain how to care for our teeth. 

Image result for literacy

in litercay, we have been writng, editing and redrafting out explantion text all about the digestive system.  We have put everything together that we have learnt about the digestive system and explanation text create a final piece of writing.  


 Image result for numeracy


In numeracy, we have been exploring area and perimeter.   First, we have measured area by counting the squares and used our timestables.  Next, we have been calculating and measuring perimeter of shapes.  Finally, we have been solving problems invovling area and perimter. 



This week we have had a special visitor in Year 4.  Mrs Buckley from the hearing service came in to talk to us about sound and hearing.  She explained her job and why some people may need hearing aids.  Mrs Buckley demonstrated how hearing aid works and showed us a model of the inner ear. 

All the children did find it very funny when Mrs Buckley called me 'Mrs Cockerel' Image result for cockerel  by mistake.  I quite like my new name smiley



All the children loved taking part in the anti-bullying assembly and I was so proud of them all for standing up and presenting their work.  

Take a look at the gallery to see what we've been upto.


In Year 4 we have a star of the day.  This is awarded to children have that been consistently well behaved.

This weeks superstars are:Image result for super star

  • Kate
  • Chloe
  • Harry B
  • Beau
  • Megan
  • Kate 
  • Leah 

Well done and keep up the great work Y4!!!!