First week back

Class: Year 3 Year: 2017 - 2018

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas holiday, I know the children did!

We've had a busy first week back in year 3, starting our new topic Marvellous Merseyside.

In Come and See, we started our new topic- Journeys. We explored what our own celebrations in the year are and then looked at the liturgical year.

In literacy, we looked at the poet Roger McGough. In particular, we looked at his poem The Sound Collector and wrote our own version about collecting sounds at school.

In numeracy, we have been focusing on the four rules of number and looking at place value.

In geography, we have been looking at the UK and exploring where Merseyside and Liverpool are.

Also, this week in guided reading the children have been reading a play script all about pirates, which everyone has really enjoyed reading!

We are all very excited to launch our new topic this week and come to school dressed up as a famous person from Merseyside on Tuesday.