Year 5's first week back as a full class :)

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:31pm

Welcome to our first blog as a whole class again!

I have to say, it was so lovely to see all of the children back in school together again. We have missed them all terribly and they seemed ecstatic to be back with their friends again.

It has been a rather hectic week trying to get back into a routine again, but the children have been phenomenal and have hit the ground running so far- putting in lots of fantastic effort to their work with enthusiasm and big smiles :)

This week, we have continued our 'Brazil' topic, by learning how to compare the climate in Manaus and the UK; what different animals live in the Amazon Rainforest and how to write about Wild Cats in Non-Chronological reports.

Year 5 are really intrigued by the different cultures in South America, and are desperate to learn more!

In Maths, we have been learning how to compare and order fractions less than and greater than 1 whole, which has been tricky but we have finally got the hang of it!

We have done lots of reading, and plenty of wellbeing activities to make sure we give our brains a bit of a break every now and again. We even did some arts and crafts (including Pop Art collaboration pictures), but I won't say too much more, as some of it's a secret for now!

Let's hope next week is just as fun (I'm sure it will be!)

Speak soon.


Miss Davies