Year 5 w/c 21/2/2022- Brazil, bits and bobs and World Book Day :)

Date: 6th Mar 2022 @ 10:48pm


Hello all and welcome to Spring 2 in Y5!

Here are some of the things we have been getting up to this half term, so far!



We have started our new class book, 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell, and have made some predictions as well as written some descriptive writing all about the children trapped in the Amazon Rainforest!


We've kicked off our 'Brazil' Geography topic by using Atlases and O.S maps, as well as Google Maps to identify the countries of South America and the cities and rivers in Brazil itself. We will be delving much deeper into our country study, so watch this space!


R.E.- We have begun our Lent topic, 'Sacrifice' where we will be thinking about how we can spend the 40 days of Lent preparing for Easter. 

We also spent some time discussing the terrible events going on in Ukraine at the moment using resources sent to us by the Archdiocese. The children all spent some time of reflection writing 'Prayers of Peace' for those suffering, and we lit a candle for everyone who has been displaced and affected. 




Happy, Healthy Me- we have had some lovely lessons and discussions based around 'recognising our differences' and uniqueness. We looked at a selection of books and chose a quote to illustrate ourselves. 

Maths: We have continued our Multiplication and Division topic and have now learned how to use the 'Long Multiplication' column method to multiply 2, 3 and 4-digit numbers by other 2-digit numbers.  We even used base ten equipment to help us with this. 

Art: Our art work is centred around drawing and printing skills this term, so we have been using different grades of pencil so far to draw more precisely and use shading, hatching and blending, as well as textures to build up to replicating an image as part of our Brazilian Culture topic. 



Here are some images from our World Book Day this year:






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Thank you to everyone who made the effort to create a 'Book in a box' for our competition :)


More updates soon!

Mrs Evans