Year 5 E-safety Blog

Date: 4th Oct 2022 @ 3:52pm

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Hi everyone! :)

This blog is designed to share with you all of the things we learn about E-safety in Year 5.

It will be on this page througout the year so that we can upload things as and when we learn them, as e-safety something we are constantly learning about!


Tuesday 27th September 2022:

Today we completed our E-awareness Assessment online

We had a look at our results to see which areas we need to be more alert in.

We found that there are too many of us that spend too long on technology, and that some of us don't quite understand how to change privacy settings, so these are just some of the things we need to work on in our upcoming Computing lessons. 



Tuesday 4th October 2022:

Today we learned all about 'Time Online'

We watched a video that discussed getting the balance right and exercise, relaxation and socialisation are all things that are more important than games and technology.

We designed a 'screensaver' that would remind people when they have spent too long on their computers, phones or tablets. 


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