Year 3 class blog 1.10.21

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 3:52pm

Hello Year 3,

Next week is National Poetry week and the theme this year is choices.  For this week’s homework I would like you to learn the poem ‘More Pointless Questions’ off by heart.  We will be performing the poem in assembly on Thursday afternoon for the rest of the school. I have uploaded the file at the bottom of the blog for you to start reading.  We will be using our literacy lessons to create our own poems linked to More Pointless Questions.


In Year 3 we have lots to celebrate and this week’s winners are:

Star of the week: Scarlett

Overall house point winner: Robert

Bucket filler: Alfie Ba

Good work: Tyler

Well done everyone!!!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Tuesday!

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