Year 2 End of Spring Term 1 2023

Date: 14th Feb 2023 @ 8:52am

Hi everyone, 

We have had a lovely start to 2023 here in Y2. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the topic "Once upon a time..." and have produced some excellent work across all the different topics. We have enjoyed reading and listening to the stories of The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas  and Jim and The Beanstalk by Raymond Briggs.  These stories inspired us to write our own alternative tales and we finished the half term with some super stories!  We have used our writing targets to help us improve and are practising our handwriting. 

In our maths lessons, we have been learning about money, it was quite a challenge for some of us, as we are not as used to handling notes and coins as we used to be! Lots of children have been raiding their piggy banks to practise counting at home, some children have been going to the local shop and buying things with their £1 coin and some children have even set up shops at home! What a great half-term project! This topic linked with our unit "Being Responsible" in our "Happy Healthy Me" unit where we explored needs and wants and how to make sensible choices regarding money, looking at saving up when we have the opportunity to do so.  

In "Come and See" we have explored the books used in church and explored at how these books help us to follow the Mass.

It was lovely to see all of our parents and carers during our two Open Afternoons and Parents' Evenings. Everyone was impressed with the work on display.

Well done to all the Award Winners this term.

During the half term, why not have a go at Times Tables Rockstars? In class next term we are developing our fluency with the 10, 5 and 2 times tables, recalling quickly the multiplication and the division facts, Times Tables Rockstars really helps with this!

Happy half term, here's looking forward to Spring Term 2!

Best wishes,

The Y2 team.