Year 1 Weekly Homework - Autumn Half Term 2

Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 7:14am

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to the second half term of Autumn.

This is just a quick message to inform you that this half term, your homework will be Literacy (reading and writing) and will be set each week online.  Each Monday, the homework will be upioaded onto the school dashboard on the school website for you to download and once completed, can be uploaded and sent back for me to view and mark.  We are going to try it this way for the half term and will see how things go.  

Today's homework is writing a recount of your half term holiday.  I have uploaded two sheets so choose the one which suits you best, depending on how much you can write.  The other homework task is to write a spell to turn Mrs Hymers into something of your own choice!  Remember, she wrote a spell to turn you all into spiky, prickly hedgehogs - so you need to think of something really funny or even something a bit gruesome ! 

It's your choice!

Mrs Taylor x