Year 1 Homework - Autumn 2

Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 4:16pm

Good Afternoon,

This is just a quick message regarding the Year 1 homework which is going to be set this half term.  Last week, a note was posted to confirm that we were going to be trialling homework online, via the school website.  However, after having had a more indepth conversation with regard to the purpose of homework and the age of children in Year 1, it has now been decided that homework will go home at the beginning of every half term in the form of a pack and that pack will then be kept at home until the end of the half term when it can be returned for the teacher.

As next week's homework has already been planned, please be aware that this coming Monday (9th November) homework will still be set online, which you can either print off or just copy onto a sheet of paper and then from Monday 16th November, a pack of Literacy based activities will be sent home which your child can then work through over the rest of the half term and then return just before we break up for Christmas (a date will be set, nearer the time.)

We appreciate your patience and cooperation during these challenging times, as we adapt to new routines, whilst ensuring that both the safety and education of your child remain our main focus.  

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

Year 1 Team