Year 1 - End of Spring 1

Date: 16th Feb 2023 @ 9:10am

The Great Fire of London


Well, what an exciting first half term of 2023 it has been!  Our topic on The Great Fire of London literally went with a bang! 

From using our senses to write descriptive pieces of writing, to fact sheets about Samuel Pepys to being newspaper reporters reporting and then writing LIVE from the scene of the fire, we have explored it all!  We especially enjoyed building Tudor houses out of reclaimed materials at the end of the topic (thank you so much for the boxes) which Mrs Hymers then agreed we could BURN DOWN to celebrate a fantastic finish to the topic!  Check out the videos below to see how it went!

The children in Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed this topic and now know so many exciting and fascinating facts about this momentous moment in history!  We bet that if you asked them to give you '5 fascinating facts about the fire' they could!  Why don't you try it? 

We sadly had to say goodbye to our wonderful student teacher, Miss Foice, at the end of the half term after her delivering some fabulous lessons over the past few months.  We will miss her so much.  She really was an asset to the Year 1 team and we wish her every success in her future placements and career as a teacher.  

We have continued to work on developing our skills as marvellous mathematicians and wonderful writers and both Mrs Taylor and Mrs Duffy have been so proud with the hard work that we have been doing.  Hopefully this could be seen in our books if you were able to come to the parents afternoon / evening just before we broke up for half term.

Below, is a selection of photographs which hopefully show the fun we have had this half term and we look forward to starting a new topic when we return next week.