Y5's first week back blog!

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 4:00pm

Welcome to the first blog of the school year!!

Year 5 have been up to all sorts during their first week back.


Here is a snapshot of this week’s activities:

We revisited and learned our mission statement and discussed St Mary’s Core Values together. We then completed some beautiful work in our R.E. books to illustrate these values and how we can display them every day in school:




We also completed some PSHE work (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) which we call ‘Happy, Healthy Me. We focused on our goals and aspirations and how we can look after ourselves and be good friends to one another in school, as well as setting some targets for different subjects:





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We discussed rules and laws and the importance of these for our British Values work.


The children wrote me a letter to introduce themselves in their first ever formal piece of writing. They even proof-read and edited them: redrafting them neatly in their books!



We had chance to start our new topic class reader:


And even read a lovely poem called 'The Hope-o-potamus' by Greg James which the children absolutely loved and it reminded us all about not giving up, being resilient and not listening to other people's negativity.


After this, we completed a Maths test to see what we remembered from last year.



We made birthday cards for the class; created 'snapshots' of our lives; made use of our brand-new reading corner and chose lots of people for different roles and responsibilities in class (now that we are allowed to again!). Someone even got to feed Bob, our 13-year old class fish!!






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Overall, it has been a really exciting, fun and positive start to the new school year and we are all looking forward to starting our first topic next week!

Keep your eyes peeled for more, and remember to check out our NEWSLETTER PAGE for our rewards of the week :) 



Have a wonderful weekend, all of you!


Mrs Evans x