Y5 1st November Blog 2020

Date: 8th Nov 2020 @ 5:33pm

Hi everyone!

Just a quick blog to showcase some of the amazing work that Y5 have been producing this week.


Firstly, thank you all very much for your support with the Anglo-Saxon/Viking Projects the children completed at home. The children have blown us away yet again with their amazing work! It was a shame not to be able to keep it in school, but as we are about to start a new topic, we didn't want any of them to get damaged on display, so we took lots of pictures of them instead:


Remembrance Display:

This week we have been learning all about Remembrance Day and the significance of the poppy.

The children created their own poppies to take home, and created lots of pictures that can be seen on display in the Y5 windows at the front of school.