Y3 World Book Day

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:47pm

Happy World Book Day.

On Thursday we celebrated 25 years of world book day by coming to school in our pyjamas and we bringing in our favourite book.  We watched the virtual pantomime Alice in Wonderland and completed some activities alongside this.  At the end of the day the whole school came together to show our ‘Book in Box’ creations and celebrate World Book Day.  Look at the pictures below to see how much fun we had.


In Year 3 we have lots to celebrate, and this week’s winners are:

The winners for last week and this week are

Star of the week: James 

Overall house point winner: Maddie 

Bucket filler: Georgia 

Good work: Stanley 

Well done everyone!!!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Tuesday!