Where has the time gone?

Date: 27th Nov 2017 @ 7:50pm

Hi everyone, 

Well it seems like I just blinked and another week has flown by!  Why does that always happen at this time of year.  What with practicing for the play, interviewing Father Bernard,  practicing for the play, learning how to do percentages, practicing for the play, finishing assessed writing, practicing for the play .............I just don't know where this last week has gone!!   wink


In Come and See we interviewed Father Bernard to see what made him want to become a priest and what exactly his job entails.  Father was only too pleased to call in and answer our questions.  He explained the qualities that he thought were important in being a good priest, ie, patience and kindness and told us what it was like at his ordination (as we have been looking at this in Come and See).  His favourite part of the job is coming into school and spending time with children.  It was a very enjoyable chat and it opened our eyes into the job of a parish priest. indecision


The play rehearsals are coming on a treat!  The children know most of their lines now but I urge you to keep reading the script with them as it's all about being sure when to come in as well as knowing what to say.  laugh


We've been learning how to work our percentages this week in maths and how to convert fractions to percentages.  The kids are really getting the hang of it now and I'm really pleased at how hard they've been working.  blush


In literacy the children have been doing their writing assessed pieces which Miss Barnes reckons are fabulous so keep it up kids, we're on the up.  yes


We're going to start our Identity collages next week so please have a big push this week on getting all your final bits and pieces together.  Remember you'll need enough to fill an A3 piece of paper so the more you have, the better.  cool


Anyway speak soon, my maths books won't mark themselves.


Mrs Hrab  crying