What's in the box?

Date: 5th Dec 2017 @ 4:53pm

Year 3 are enjoying their topic so far. We have been learning lots about Egypt and are looking forward to learning about Ancient Egypt this week.

In Numeracy, this week we are looking at fractions.

In Come and See, we have been looking at the sacrament of Baptism, in particular we discussed the promises that are made during this sacrament.

In computing, we have been looking at search engines and discovering how they work.

 In geography last week we looked at where Egypt is, the type of climate it has and what Egypt is like today. It was really good that we had Lily to tell us all about Egypt today!

In History, we are going to be looking further into Ancient Egypt. Today we travelled back in time to the very beginning of the Egyptians and discovered the different events that occurred during the time of Ancient Egypt.

In Literacy, last week we used our class reading book (The magic and the mummy by Terry Deary), to write a diary entry as Neria (one of the main characters) to explain how she was feeling when she went to the House of Death. This week we are working hard again to write instructions of how to mummify a tomato.

 During our literacy lesson a mysterious box appeared with a surprise in for year3. We haven’t looked inside the box yet, but we are all trying to guess what it could be.

What's in the box?