What a First Night!

Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 12:32pm

Welcome back to all of our children. We hope you had a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year. In Year 6, we are gearing up for what we know is going to be a fantastic 2020! The hard work begins again wink



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As you are aware, our Christmas performance sadly had to be cancelled in December.

After reluctantly cancelling the December performances, we were unsure as to how many of you would come to a Christmas Nativity in January- we were absolutely blown away by the amount of people who came. We would just like to say a big thank you to all of our audience members for coming to support our Year 6 children, who had worked extremely hard to make the performance the best it could be. I'm sure you'll agree that it was a huge success. 




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This week, as well as singing, dancing, acting (and a bit of maths, literacy and RE!) we had a visit from Sarah and Michael from the NSPCC. They came in to talk to the whole school about our worries and how we can deal with them. The message of the day was to 'Speak Out and Stay Safe'. Year 5 and 6 had workshops with Sarah and Michael, where they learned more about the things that might worry children and the whole range of people who they could speak to at school, at home and in the wider community. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit, and we learned a lot throughout the day.


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