Welcome Y1

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 5:02pm

Hello Children,

Well, we have finished our first week as big Year Ones!  Well done everyone!   Mrs Taylor, Miss Parr and I have been very impressed with how you have settled into Key Stage One.  You should be super proud of yourselves! 

We have talked, written and drawn pictures about St Mary's core values and how we keep you  safe at St Mary's.  You have all made love hearts, which will be displayed in the school entrance, showing why St Mary's is special to us and written your first piece of writing in Y1, a letter to your new teachers.  Some of us have already read our new reading books to the teachers, Miss Parr or Mr Mc Donnell, who absolutely loves coming in hearing the children read !  We have all chosen a tray book to enjoy, and perhaps share with a friend, once we finish our class tasks.  Look out for a letter that will be coming home in the next few weeks about our Year 1 reading teddies, Paddy and Max. They can't wait to come and visit you in your houses.

Next week,  we will start our new class topic of Marvellous Me as well as starting other subjects such as phonics, maths and lots more!  We can't wait.  We hope you can't too.

Love from Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor