Welcome to Year 6!

Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 12:46pm

Welcome to our class blog! laugh


On this blog, you will find all the information you need to keep up with life in a busy Year 6 class. This blog will be updated regularly to keep you in the loop. 


So far, the children have settled in to life in Year 6 incredibly well: behaviour is excellent; the children's attitudes to learning have been exemplary and they have shown themselves to be very independent and competent at following instructions. 


Usually, at this time of year, we would hold a parents' meeting to introduce the Year 6 team, give you an idea of the structure of the class and to outline what this year will entail for the children (and you, as their parents). Unfortunately, this year, the meeting will no longer be able to go ahead, however I have attached a PowerPoint to this blog for your information. This PowerPoint contains all of the information you would have been given at this meeting. Any further information that you feel is lacking can be ascertained by contacting school. There are lots of unanswerable questions at the moment due to Covid-19, so please bear with us if we don't have all the answers!


Now, to the children. The past couple of weeks have been very exciting for them. They have worked extremely hard in all lessons and already have a lot of learning under their belts. We have been revising place value in maths, where we have been concentrating on recognising, reading and writing numbers to 10,000,000, rounding, comparing and ordering numbers and looking at decimals, roman numerals and negative numbers. 


In literacy lessons, we have been spending time thinking about ourselves and who we are. Our first lesson was centred around poetry. We each completed a poem called 'The Writer of this Poem' about ourselves, using lots of similes to compare ourselves to living and inanimate objects. Some of Mrs Naylor's particularly favourite lines include "as spicy as a chicken wing", "as tasty as gammon", "as silly as a sausage" and "as lazy as a possum". 


After completing our poems, which are going to be displayed in class (as well as being stuck in our literacy books), we moved on to look at a different genre of writing- autobiographies. We unpicked the features, used them to play 'Autobio Bingo' (eyes down) and then started to think about our lives so far. We are planning our autobiographies at the moment, so watch this space. There may be some sneak peeks posted here very soon!


In other news, we have adapted really well to our school's new guidelines in relation to Coronavirus. We are very adept at coming into school during the staggered start, washing our hands and getting on with our morning activity / intervention with minimal fuss. 


Afternoons are spent looking at our topic-based curriculum and, at the moment, we are becoming creative artists, scientists and geography experts. 


As you can tell, we are keeping busy with lots of different subjects that all fit into our Autumn term topic- Identity. We are reading the book 'Wonder' by RJ Palacio to fit in with this topic, which we are really enjoying. 


Other exciting news...

This weekend, one of our Year 6 children took part in UK Kids Fun Duathlon (North West) in Whitchurch, Shropshire. She had fantastic fun and got a very posh-looking medal to show for it! The Duathlon included a 500m run, 2000m bike ride, followed by another 1000m run. How amazing! Here is a photograph of her, holding her medal, number and a diary entry that she completed to help her remember the day. Well done, superstar! yes


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