Welcome to Year 5!

Date: 11th Sep 2022 @ 11:05pm

Welcome to our class blog, everyone!


It has been a very busy first week in Y5 and the children seem to have settled in brilliantly. 


It's always a strange time coming back to school after 6 weeks off, but we have set off as we mean to go on and everyone now seems happy to be back into their normal routines.

Sadly, the week ended with the dreadful news of the Queen's passing, so we spent Friday morning celebrating and remembering her life by completing some reflective activities. 


Queen Elizabeth II, 1985 (screenprint)

Copyright: © 2020 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Licensed by DACS, L


The children have worked very hard all week- completing lots of 'getting to know you' activities, including writing a letter all about themselves to me (Mrs Evans), which I loved reading!


We began our R.E. topic 'Ourselves' and discussed all of our best qualities and talents and how these can be used for good. 

We also recapped our school Mission Statement and Core Values as part of Happy, Healthy Me (PSHE)


Our Art focus for this half-term is Andy Warhol and 'Pop Art', so the children have really enjoyed discovering the vibrant, bold portraits that they are going to look at in more detail over the coming weeks. We all created a cover page about Warhol and his life! On Friday we also created some Pop Art-style images of the Queen to commemorate her. 

Finally, we ended the week with some activities about British Values- including democracy and the Rule of Law. We will be sharing our 'Manifestos' next week to hold a vote for Y5 councillors. 


NEXT WEEK- We will be introduced to our new topic 'Traders and Invaders' and will discover lots of new and exciting topics to go alongside it!


Thank you for reading :)