Welcome to Year 3

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 11:53am

Hello Year 2 (soon to be Year 3),smiley

I am just writing to introduce my-self and tell you that I will be teaching you Tuesday to Friday.  My name is Mrs Cotterill and I have taught at St Mary’s for 12 years and I love teaching Year 3.  I have not been in school for the past few months because I have been off having a baby, but I am really looking forward to seeing you in September.

You may be nervous about coming back to school and moving into Year 3, but I am here to help and let you know that we are going to have lots of fun and you will love the topics in the juniors.   I have been busy planning lots of exciting things for us to do in September.

Year 3 is a very exciting year because you move from Key Stage 1 to Key stage 2.  Here are some things that we do differently in Key Stage 2:

  • We have a diary to pass messages between home and school
  • You can have toast as a snack
  • We wear tracksuits on a Friday for junior games

To help you prepare for September you might want to look at the following:

  • Practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and all the division facts
  • Recall all the number bonds to 10 and 20
  • Read books from different genres e.g. non-fiction, fiction, fairy tale or adventure.
  • Practise your handwriting by writing a diary of all the things you do over the summer holidays.  We will share these in September.

(Parents see the attached letter for information and routines)

A note from Mrs Ryan

Hello Year 2 (soon to be Year 3),

It’s Mrs Ryan here. I just wanted to write to you to say that I am really looking forward to teaching you all again next year. I will be your class teacher on Mondays and below are some of the things we will be doing in September:

· SPAG- Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. This is one of my favourite subjects to teach! Each week, we will have a different focus and through the use of games and different activities, we will become ‘SPAG Superstars’ which will help us with our reading and writing throughout the year.

· We will have a weekly spelling test. (I do not want anybody to worry about this.) Each week, you will be given some new spellings to learn and write in sentences as part of your homework then we will have a test on a Monday. I will tell you more about this in September, but if you want to get a head start then check out the Y3/4 statutory spelling list I have attached to this blog. These are the words that we are aiming to be able to spell by the end of Year 4, so you have plenty of time to become familiar with them.

· Numeracy- The first topic I will be teaching you will be ‘Time’. If you could practise telling the time to o clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to that will give you a great start in September. For those who like an extra challenge, try telling the time in 5-minute intervals. I will be SO impressed if anyone is able to do this in September.

· Science- Your first topic in September is ‘Body Business’. I will be teaching the Science element of this and we will be looking at how humans and other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement We will also explore nutrition as part of this topic. I know lots of you really enjoy Science, so this is lovely topic to start off with. If you are able to start doing any research around any of these things over the summer, it really will stand you in good stead in September.

That’s all from us children. Take care. Have a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing your happy, smiling faces in September. We know you are going to LOVE Year 3.

Mrs Cotterill and Mrs Ryanyes

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