Welcome to Year 1!

Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 4:00pm



This week has been a busy week with the children settling into their new classroom and adapting to the new routines of their new year group.  They have been SUPERSTARS as Y1's and we are thrilled to see how quickly they've remembered all (well, almost all) the things that they have been told this week!  Onwards and upwards from here!

The children have spent the week learning about British Values as part of our Happy Healthy Me week as well as focusing on feelings and relationships.  It has been a perfect opportunity for us all to think about how we are feeling as we return to the new school year and routines and for us all to realise that we don't have to feel happy and excited all the time and that it is ok to not be ok, sometimes. 

We are looking forward to starting our new topic 'Marvellous Me' next week, which will give the children the opportunity to learn about our local area, human body parts and the senses, families, how we are all different and special, self portraits in our art lessons and we will be reading a lovely class story called The Huge Bag of Worries.  For more detail, please see our school website.

We look forward to welcoming the children back again next week and wish you all a wonderful weekend.

The Y1 Team! x