Welcome to Year 1

Date: 12th Sep 2019 @ 6:29pm

smileyWELCOME TO YEAR 1smiley

A big, warm welcome back to all of the children in Year1. We have been in school for over a week now and have been super busy getting to know the class routines, key stage rules and starting our Y1 work! We have been impressed with how the children are adjusting to life in the new key stage and there have been very few tears which is always a good sign!  Remember to view the weekly newsletter on the school website for important notices and also take a peek in the class gallery and blog section to see what we are up to.

Come and See

Our new topic in Come and See is Families. We started the topic by reading the story, 'Once There Were Giants' by Martin Waddell and we have been talking about our families and sharing our family photographs.  We have also been reading psalms from the Bible and we even wrote our own class psalm.  We have used some of these psalms in our daily collective worship. 

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We have been reading and writing numbers, counting forwards and backwards in ones and completing different missing number sequences.  Miss was very impressed when some children were able to complete sequences up to 99!yes


As part of our 'Marvellous Me' class topic, we learnt about different external body parts by singing songs and playing 'Simon Says'.  We then worked in teams drawing round each other and labelling the different body parts.