Welcome to the Reception Blog

Date: 6th Sep 2022 @ 12:03pm

Hello everyone and welcome to the Reception Blog,

We are very proud of how well the children are settling into life at St Mary’s Primary School.

Here is some important information:


  • Children are allowed to bring a water bottle into school each day. These should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and should only contain water.
  • Everyday, fresh fruit or toast (payable) is available at morning snack time or alternatively children may bring in their own healthy snack.
  • Milk money (£6.00) please pay electronically or speak to the school office
  • Friday is our P.E. day. Children can come into school wearing their school P.E. kits on this day. This means that P.E. kits do not need to be kept in school.
  • Every Wednesday afternoon is 'Wellie Walk Wednesday'. This involves exploring our wonderful outdoor school surroundings, identifying different minibeasts and observing seasonal changes. We ask that children bring a pair of wellington boots at the start of the year. Wellington boots will be kept in school and returned at the end of the school year.