Welcome to Reception!

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 3:54pm

Reception News

A very warm welcome to you all!

We hope your children have had a good first week – they certainly seem to have enjoyed it so far! We are so impressed with how well the children have settled into school. They have been absolutely amazing! We are really enjoying getting to know your children and their lovely little personalities and are looking forward to a fun year ahead.

Below you will find some organisational matters and messages.

Home times

To ensure your child’s safety, we will continue ask you for your name and the password before we release your child to you. This is just until we become familiar with you and any other adults that may collect your child from school. We would really appreciate your patience and understanding in this area. Thank you.


Please make sure all clothing, including coats, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Earrings are not allowed. Clear, plastic earring retainers are allowed if needed.

School shoes must be worn, not trainers.

Drop off and Pick up times

From Monday 13th September, the children will attend school full time. Arrangements for dropping off and collecting can be found below.

School gates will open between 8.45am and 9.00am. They will be supervised by members of staff. Children can enter via any gate.

Anyone arriving after 9.00am will need to enter via the main entrance.

Gates will open at 3.30pm for families to collect their children from their classroom doors.

Both parents/carers can accompany their child to the classroom door on Monday 13th September and by one parent/carer for the rest of the half term.  


Please make sure you send a snack into school every day for child. Alternatively, they can have a piece of toast. This can be paid for via SchoolMoney. If you are also sending a packed lunch, we kindly ask that their snack is clearly separate as the children are confusing their lunch for their snack.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!

The Reception Team ?