Welcome Back

Date: 2nd Nov 2017 @ 4:42pm

Welcome back to school! We hope you have had a lovely break over half term and are ready and raring to get back into working hard and being the best you can be.


Come and See

This week in our Come and See lessons, we have started to look at our new topic called 'New Beginnings'. 


In our literacy lessons, we have been looking at autobiographies. First, we looked at some examples of autobiographies- including David Beckham's- together, we dissected them as a group and talked about their features. Then, we started planning our very own autobiographies (you may have noticed a note in our diaries asking for any important dates and events). So far, we have placed important events from our lives on to a timeline and we have sectioned these dates in to sections, ready to write up our first drafts. Once our final drafts have been finished, they will be assessed and added to our writing portfolios.

                                          Image result for david beckham                                                     Image result for literacy