Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 9:47am

Hello everyone and welcome back to school where we begin another exciting year in Y6.

The staff in Y6 are really looking forward to the year ahead and so far all signs are great.  The children are already taking on board the new class rules and adapting to being 'top class in the school' and setting a great example to our younger children which is lovely to see.

The children are working hard and we have been blown away with what they can already do.  Let's hope it continues and Y6 will be a doddle!!!!

We have a couple of new reward systems which you  may have heard of:  'The Golden Ticket'.  If your child has tried particularly hard in one of their lessons they will receive a raffle ticket with a chance of winning 'The Golden Ticket'.  The prize is to either wear a pair of 'goofy' slippers all day; sit on a special rainbow cushion all day or sit at the teacher's desk all day to do their work.  Funnily enough nobody's chosen the teacher's desk yet but the slippers are going down great guns!!

The other reward system which you will hear a lot about is the 'Bucket Filling'.  When we see children fulfilling our core values they get to fill their buckets.  We already have some children who have started to fill theirs for being kind, helpful and respectful to others.  Well done!

We've started our 'Identity' topic which will run for the first term.  It's fab!  Part of this is that the children do self portraits - Picasso Style!!  (So it doesn't matter if you can't draw as all his pictures are a bit odd-looking if you ask me! and even I can do one which is passable!!!).

We will update you as to what we are getting up to in Y6 weekly and I've attached a few photos of the children at work.

Bye for now.

Mrs Hrab