Welcome back!

Date: 8th Jun 2017 @ 5:07pm

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a lovely half term. It is amazing how quickly this year seems to have gone by and it is a very special time for our class in particular as they begin their final half term at St Mary's! We hope that everyone thoroughly enjoys this last 7 weeks and that the children leave with fantastic memories of their time at our school.

This week has seen the launch of some exciting new topics including our Design and Technology unit on 'Bread'. We started this topic by looking at the process of turning wheat into bread and some of the children had a go at baking their own rolls and plaited loaves (with super results!) Photographs have been uploaded onto our 'Gallery' page, so be sure to check them out. Over the next few weeks, we will look at which countries different types of breads originate from and will be tasting and evaluating a range of different breads. All of the children will have the opportunity to bake their own bread (and take it home). We are calling this unit 'The Great British Bread Off!'

In Literacy, we have started to read 'Wonder' by R J Palacio. This is the inspiring story of a 10 year-old boy named Auggie Pullman who was born with a craniofacial difference. The book tells the story of Auggie's transition from being home-schooled to joining Beecher Prep where he meets several characters- all of whom respond to him in different ways.

The children are really enjoying the story so far and the opening chapters generated some insightful discussions about how to treat people with kindness regardless of any differences. We explored the tagline, "You can't blend in when you were born to stand out," and discussed how it is what is on the inside that counts rather than a person's exterior complexion. We talked about how every minute of the day, we make choices about how we treat those we encounter in life. The children agreed that by choosing to be kind, we can make a positive difference in other people's lives.

I was really moved by the children’s responses to the story and we are all looking forward to reading more chapters next week.

Have a lovely weekend!