Welcome back Year 3

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 4:07pm

Welcome back everyone!

It has been lovely to be back at school this week and we have had another very busy week.

This week we have started our new Ancient Egypt topic and we have started reading not one but two new books.  In guided reading we have started reading Mummy and Magic by Terry Deary.  This story is set in the ‘The house of Death’ and the young girl Neria must go and help her father mummify a pharaoh and his cat.  The second book is ‘There’s a Pharaoh in our Bath!’ by Jeremy Strong.  This story starts off in a museum and a very famous pharaoh’s tomb which gets open by grave robbers.  The heavily bandaged pharaoh ends up in the Lightspeed’s family home.

We will continue learning about Ancient Egypt up until Christmas and I am sure the children are going love finding out about life in Ancient Egypt.

Finally, the sandwich tasting caused great excitement in Year 3. Some children loved them and asked for seconds and other were not so sure. Take a look at the pictures to see how we got on.


We have not got any school celebration winners this week, but we do have Year 3 superstar of the week.  This week’s winner is……..

Oliver and Maddie

Well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend and make sure you stay safe over bonfire night. I will see you on Tuesday.