Welcome back Y5!

Date: 7th Nov 2021 @ 3:27pm

Hi everyone!

Just a quick update as we have had our first week back after the Autumn half-term.

The children have had a great week back following a well-earned break. They have continued their topic learning of Pop Art, Life Cycles and Anglo-Saxons & Vikings: creating lots of their own Andy Warhol inspired Portraits, presentations on the life stages of birds and plants and even delving into the kingdoms of Britain during the Viking period!

In Maths we are coming to the end of our Addition and Subtration strand, and will soon be starting Multiplication & Division.

Please find the new spelling overview  and sheets attached to our class page files.(as mentioned in the letter sent out on Tuesday 2nd November). 


Coming up...

Remembrance Day

Year 5 and 6 will have the opportunity on Thursday 11th November to walk up to Billinge War Memorial to commemorate Remembrance Day with other local primary schools. They will create their own prayer to place on the back of the flags from the nations of war. 

Next week is Hinduism week in R.E. (Diwali has just this past weekend been celebrated) where we will be looking at some of the hindu gods, including the trimurti, along with what hindu pilgrimages are like!

We are very excited to start our next  topic which is 'Our Wonderful World', where we will discover the biomes of our planet in Geography, and start a brand-new class reader called 'The Strangeworlds Travel Agency', where we will be looking at Adventure stories and diaries!

National Anti-bullying week starts on Monday 15th November too, so in preparation, much of our 'Happy, Healthy Me!' PSHE topic will be based around this. 


Here's to another successful half-term!


Keep an eye out for upcoming blogs!

Mrs Evans :)