Welcome back Y1

Date: 6th Nov 2021 @ 9:49pm

Hello Everyone!

I hope it is good to be back in school with all of your friends.  It has certainly been lovely to see all of your smiling faces again!  You have worked hard this first week back and had your first spellings, literacy homework and homereaders for this half term.  Next week on Monday, we will look at 'Say No to Bullying' and on Wednesday we will learn about the story  of how Ganesha got his head in our other faiths topic of Hinduism.  Mrs Taylor has also got lots of special things planned for you on Thursday and Friday too, including making Christmas cards that your families will be able to buy later on in the term.  Next week, we will also start practising the infant nativity with Y2.  We have so much to do before Christmas.  We are going to be just as busy as Santa's little elves!

Love from Mrs Duffy