Welcome Back Y1 !

Date: 1st Sep 2021 @ 9:27pm

Hello Everyone!


We have now reached the end of the summer holidays.


When you come back to school on Monday, you will be big Y1s who will be ready to start your next adventure at St Mary’s.  You will be doubly lucky too because you will have, not one but, two class teachers who can’t wait to meet you all; Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor.  You will know both of us from seeing us out and about around the infant department. Mrs Duffy loves teaching maths, phonics, reading, Come and See, PSHE and science and Mrs Taylor loves teaching writing, phonics, music, history, geography, art and technology.  Mrs Duffy is mummy to 2 big boys and Mrs Taylor is mummy to 2 medium sized girls!  Some of you may be a little worried about coming back, after being off school for 6 weeks.  Please don’t be!  We will look after you all.  A few things are different to Reception class but lots of things are similar, including your teachers and friends.  We are sure you will adapt well to the new routines and work and are both very excited about seeing all of you next week when we will become the new Y1 class.


All of the adults in Y1 will work hard with you to make sure that your work is just at the right level.  We will take it slowly, at first, and help you if you get stuck or need any support with your work.  That is what we are here for!


We will send home two information letters at the start of next week.  One will outline the routines in KS1 and the other will outline how we are trying to instil a love of reading in all you little superstars.


Big hugs and we can’t wait to see you all on Monday

From Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor x