Welcome back to your final term in Y1!

Date: 30th Apr 2022 @ 3:41pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to the summer term, your final term in Y1!  We have had two weeks back in school now and you have all settled back in to your learning very well.   

I loved reading about your Easter egg hunts in your diary writing this week and some of you also told me about the wonderful holidays you have been on.  We have been learning about halves and quarters in maths and worked practically with shapes cutting them into halves and quarters.  The ch have also learnt how to find half of a quantity by drawing a fraction table.  We will also do this for quarters next week.  In Healthy Happy Me, we learnt how to be quietly assertive and how to deal with worries when we are anxious.  We also learnt what to do to relax when we are worried.  One child suggested we should give each other foot massages, which I have to say were very nice! 

You will have noticed in your homework that examples of real and nonsense words have been sent home for you to practise with your child.  Please encourage them to draw the sound buttons on each word and blend them carefully.  For words of more than one syllable, the children should blend each syllable then say the syllable before moving on to the next syllable, before finally reading the whole word.  For those children who mix up 'b' s and 'd' s encourage them to make a bed with their fingers, like Mrs Duffy does, and this should help them to identify whether the letter is a 'b' or a 'd'.

This term will see us start our new topic of 'Holidays'.  In this topic, we will be learning about Blackpool as a contrasting locality, seaside holidays in the past and animals in science.  The term will finish with a class trip to Blackpool to finish off the topic nicely!  In Come and See, we will be learning about Pentecost, being sorry and our neighbours all around the world.  Gosh we have so much to do before we finish in July!

Enjoy your extra long weekend and I will see you all on Tuesady morning.

Love from Mrs Duffy