Welcome Back Spring 2

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 12:48pm

Well we have been back for one week already.  Only five more to go until we break up for Easter.  The children wrote all about their half term adventures in their diary writing this week.  There were lots of swimming adventures, trips to the cinema (Sing 2 was very popular!), play dates and eating out.  It sounds like you all had lovely family time together and the children have come back refreshed and ready to learn. 

We have started our new class topic of 'The Enchanted Wood' which will involve lots of reading of and writing about traditional tales, learning about plants and trees, and making woodland decorations in DT.  The children really enjoyed making their own scientific annotated 2d/3d models of trees using straws, wool and string, card, cotton wool and paint.  We have been working practically in maths trying to develop our understanding of tens and ones place value in 2 digit numbers and will soon be learning to count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. Our new topic in Come and See is 'Meals' which is all about Holy Communion and the Last Supper.  After this, we will start our next topic of 'Change' where we will learn about the events of Holy Week, just in time for breaking up for Easter.

Just a little request about homework folders.  In order to ensure an efficient homework exchange on a Monday, can all spellings and letters be removed from your child's homework folder and only the completed homework be enclosed?  Thank you.

Love from Mrs Duffy