Welcome Back Everyone

Date: 3rd Nov 2017 @ 7:55pm

A big welcome back to everyone after the October half-term break. I hope that you all had a well deserved rest as you will need lots of energy for the very busy weeks ahead.

On Tuesday we were invaded by heroes and villains in our Year 2 classroom as the children started their new creative topic. The children were very excited about their new topic and they even had a conversation as to whether Donald Trump was a hero or a villain. Pretty deep stuff for 6 and 7 year olds. smiley

We all went to Church on Wednesday to celebrate the Feast of All Saints with other members of our parish family. The children behaved exceptionally well and they sang beautifully. One of our children said that they enjoyed going to Church as it gave them a chance to talk to God. I was stopped on the way out of Church by several parishioners who said that it was lovely to see the children in Church and that their singing had really touched them. It made me very proud of our children.

On Thursday we welcomed our Year 2 families into school for Stay and Pray. It was lovely to see so many of you there - taking time out of your busy day to reflect and pray with your children.

Also on Thursday, our Year 6 children started to audition for their Christmas Play - Angels on High. The children are very excited about the play and many were keen to audition. I was very impressed with the children who auditioned. It is going to be a very difficult task selecting children for the roles. Auditions continue next week.

Friday saw a super whole school sing and the children were very enthusiastic learning new Anti-Bullying songs in preparation for National Anti-Bullying Week.

Finally my week ended with a very chatty Tea@2 where I spent a wonderful half an hour chatting with Tristan (Rec), Joseph (Y1), Jordan (Y2), Elisha (Y3), Hope (Y4), Billie (Y5) and Alice (Y6). It is amazing how much I learn chatting to the children. They really keep me well informed about their lives at school and at home. It is always lovely to hear that the children are enjoying school and that they feel happy and safe. The children chatted about the Halloween Disco and we talked about what they would like for Christmas. The children really enjoyed the cakes and their milkshakes or juice. Tristan showed his appreciation by letting out a great big burp to end the session. smiley

After such a busy week I am ready for a lie in tomorrow. Have a good weekend everyone and I will see you all on Monday.

Just a quick reminder that we have gone paperless this week with the newsletter, so you will need to read the newsletter online from now on. A few copies will be available at the back of Church and in the front entrance hall.