Welcome back Autumn Term 2

Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 3:10pm

Welcome back everyone!

Hopefully you have all had a lovely half-term break and enjoyed some family time.  We have had a marvellous first week back, celebrating our "Other Faiths" week. We have had some wonderful sessions learning all about the Hindu Faith and the importance of family times and home worship.  A massive thank you to one of our parents who came into class to share with us  lots of information about Hindu home worship. 

On Tuesday we made some items for our class Shrine using play dough.  We watched a film clip and added some candles we had made to our prayer focus.  We took our candles home to show our families.  On Wednesday we smelt the incense and listened to some traditional Indian music and learnt all about what a Hindu child's five daily duties are.


In our numeracy lessons we began adding two digit numbers using number lines and tens and ones.  We are very good at this - we also practised identifying whether numbers are odd or even and used a rhyme to help us rememeber.


We are continuing to enjoy our class reader "Fantastic Mr Fox" and our handwriting is coming on a treat.  Letters and Sounds has been fun, challenging ourseleves to spell our weekly words correctly.


Next Monday our worship will focus on "Remembrance" and we have been busy today (Thursday) learning about the significance of the poppy and have created some poppy fields of our own.  This is going to be part of a whole school focus for our prayer garden.

Next week we are going to launch our new topic for Autumn Term 2 and will begin practising for this year's Infant Nativity.

How busy we are in Y2!

See you soon

The Y2 teamsmiley