Welcome back after Whit

Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 8:20pm

Hello Y1wink

I hope you have had a lovely Whit holiday with your family.  I was in school, last week with Mrs O’Donoghue, Mrs Mc Donald and Mrs Crompton getting your classroom ready. Mrs Taylor, Mrs Crompton and Miss Parr will be organising the reception area this week, once the cleaners have finished in there.  The infants has never been so clean!

For those of you that will be coming back to school, the layout of the classrooms in Y1 will look a little different to what you remember.  You will have a desk, which we used to sit 6 around, all to yourself! Some children will have a slightly smaller desk, but still all to yourself!  You will definitely have more space and will look like little princes and princesses sat on your thrones!

We have made everyone their own pack containing a whiteboard, phoneme frame and pen plus scissors and glue.  We really hope that you will bring your own pencil case in as we are very, very short on resources but, just in case, we have made a few plastic wallets up containing a pencil, some coloured pencils a rubber and sharpener for those children that forget!  Once you bring your pencil case in, it will stay in school until we break up in July.  The only thing that will come in and out of school will be you, your water bottle, your snack and maybe your packed lunch, if you are not having a school dinner.

All of the things that we used to have around the classroom have been moved into the cloakroom so you will put your coats (if needed) and packed lunches (if not on school dinners) in numbered boxes which are along the windows.

Things will be a little different to before but in a good way, you are all superstars and will love seeing your friends again.  We are sure you will all take the changes in your stride as you are nearly big year 2s and we are super proud of youyes!

It is very important, especially if you are coming back to school, that you watch some videos on Youtube about the correct way to wash your hands and learn and continue to do this properly.  I made some posters about handwashing with the key worker children in March but I think we could all do with a little refresher so that we are doing it properly.  Perhaps, those children who are continuing to home school could make some posters/instructions for their younger brothers and sisters and families.


Now I know it has been a two week holiday, but some of you have been very busy continuing your learning and sending it in to show us.  Here is just some of what you have been up to:

Sam has been learning about the seasons and the months of the year which are important facts in our maths curriculum.  He has also made himself another fabulous shop but this time he has been using real money.  He he is now able to recognise coins and knows their value, which is sooooooo important, and he can make small exact amounts of money using different combinations of coins each time. Can I just say as well, Sam that you have LOTS of coins and if I need a loan before payday I will know where to come to! I love seeing you working and helping your little brothers and sisters and Sam was a star for reading his little brother, ‘The Smartest Giant in Town.’  He also wrote a book review about it and a report about Blackpool.  I was also made up that Sam is continuing to learn his Letters and Sounds every week using the rule, decodable words and tricky words that I put up on the blog each week. 


Ewan took a little rest from his electronics work to get busy in the kitchen, writing and making a silly sandwich, which Mrs Taylor asked you to do.  Well done Ewanyes!


I will post some new Letters and Sounds for you soon and add some more Education City Maths to your My Cities. 


Take care and stay safe.

Much loveheartMrs Duffyheart