Welcome Back!

Date: 6th Sep 2018 @ 2:52pm

Welcome back to all the children! This week has been an enjoyable one so far. The children have spent time settling into Year 6 (and they have done so remarkably well- Mrs Hrab and I are very pleased). 

Image result for thumbs up

To kick off our week in style, we discussed the different jobs that responsible Year 6 children need to do (because everyone knows we run the place!) and we gave out these jobs to the willing, enthusiastic children. Those jobs will start as soon as possible. 


One of our first jobs was to have a look at our school Mission Statement. I was very impressed to see that the children could tell me- almost word for word- what our Mission Statement was and what this meant for us in our daily lives. We did a little handwriting activity in the front of our RE books to ensure that it is the first thing we see each time we take part in Come and See.

Image result for come and see


In order to get to know the children well, we have also been completing some nice activitites with them, which will go up on display for all to see. The children have had a great time telling us their hopes and dreams for when they grow up. They have also completed a target balloon for our lovely display; this will help to keep them focussed throughout the year. 

As well as doing lots of fun, arty activities, we have also done some maths and writing (well school just wouldn't be the same without it now, would it?) The children have re-drafted their letters to Mrs Hrabowenskyj and me. These letters are now written in the front of our literacy books - in our neatest handwriting I might add!

Finally, as if we haven't worked the children hard enough, we have also been looking at British Values this week. The children were asked to write on a whiteboard all of the things that made us British. We came up with some excellent ideas (such as rain, tea, bulldogs and the Queen) before looking in detail at the British Values. I was very pleased to find out that the children remembered these the day after and they could tell Mrs Hrab about each one and what it meant. 

Image result for british values

As you can see, this week has been action-packed and enjoyable. It has been lovely getting to know the children and Mrs Hrabowenskyj and I are looking forward to teaching the children this year. 


More to come next week! 

Miss Barnes