Welcome back!

Date: 8th Jun 2018 @ 8:45am


This week we have been practising solving multiplication calculations by using the grid method. We have practised multiplying two digit numbers by one digit numbers. We moved on to looking at multiplication word problems. The children have done really well!


The children started to create their own non-fiction book all about Ancient Greece! We looked at the features of non-fiction books and recapped facts and information about Ancient Greece. After that, the children decided on the topics they wanted to include in their books. They wrote the contents page to their books. Then the fun began! They look fantastic so far. 


The children compared Ancient Greece to Ancient Egypt this week. We explored the differences and similarities between them. We also looked at hieroglyphics and the Ancient Greek alphabet too! Very interesting!


To finish off the week, we had a great game of kick rounders on the field....





Miss Wood