Welcome back - summer's here!

Date: 7th Jun 2018 @ 1:49pm

Hi everyone,

Hope you have all been enjoying the wonderful sunshine and every one has had a happy and relaxing half=term holiday.  These last few weeks in Y2 are going to be lots of fun and very busy as always.

Next Tuesday 12th June we are all going on our annual class trip to Knowsley Safari Park.  This exciting trip fits in beautifully with our "Hot and Cold" topic where we have been learning about African animals and their habitats.  We are looking forward to our classroom-based session where we are going to learn a little bit more about the classification of animals.

On Thursday morning we are all walking up to Billinge Library to take part in "World Refugee Week". 

Come and See

We have been continuing with our topic of "Rules" we looked at God's rule for his people and read the Colossians scripture.


This week we have been reading, performing and writing poetry around the theme of "Hot and Cold." Today (Thursday) we have worked hard to write poems about the desert lands.  Following previous lessons we tried hard to use the poetic devices we have been learning about; rhythm, rhyme, repetiton, alliteration, similes and expanded noun phrases to try and be as creative as we can be!


We have continued to learn to tell the time and have completed our assessments for time this week.  Nearly everyone can now tell the time in fifteen minute intervals ie o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to.  Some of us have gone even further and can tell the time in five minute intervals ie five past ten, twenty-five minutes to six etc.


We have been practising for Sports Day which we hope will take place on Tuesday 3rd July in the afternoon.

Show and Tell

We love Show and Tell but sometimes we are so busy we can't fit it in.  However this week it has been lovely listening to each other talking about their travels and their achievements.


Finally, in art this week we have been learning about Kente cloth from West Africa. The children explored the technique of weaving using paper plates and brightly colored wool. We have been very impressed by the children's creations and can't wait to share them with you soon!

The Y2 team :)