Week Two in Reception :)

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:29pm

Hi everyone,

What a busy week!

This week, as you will already know, two special guests came to our school. The children enjoyed showing them around our school environment. We also had a party to celebrate our hard work.  Our little superstars are amazing, and we could not be prouder of them!

Our focus story this week was the book ‘You Choose’ by Pippa Goodhart.  We discussed the choices we make daily, such as those we choose regarding our learning, whether to have milk or water at snack time, and what to eat for lunch. We also know that each of us has various tastes and preferences, and that is okay, and we celebrate those differences. We have also been working hard to ensure we follow our class rules. 

We also began our reading journey and learnt the sounds s, a, t, p.  We love saying the rhymes as we write the letters! The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even a twig in the mud, for example).

Drawing Club has been introduced in our Reception Class during the school day. Every week, we get a new story or a cartoon or even a traditional tale. We are then introduced to new vocabulary and we are asked to help create actions to help us remember the words. We must then draw a detailed picture to accompany the story! Drawing Club helps to foster a love of reading while also developing fine motor skills, numeracy, and language skills. This week’s story was ‘Bear Hunt’. Check out some of our fabulous creations below!

In maths, we matched objects to pictures, sorted objects, and came up with some sorting rules. Fun was had by all!

Wellie Walk Wednesday was a lot of fun this week because we had our buddies there. We enjoyed using natural materials to create self-portraits. Check out some photographs below!

You should have received an email from the Evidence Me app to invite you to join.  With Parent Share in Evidence Me you will be able to see what your child has been learning and the new skills they are developing. You can also upload things that your child has done outside of school that you think we would like to see. Parents and carers are given their own log-in using their email – you should have received an email link and using this you can set your own password. If you do not currently have access please inform school and we can resend the email link. Staff are given a secure log-in and they can then upload observations, plus see any observations parents and carers have added. Over the next couple of weeks you will begin to see observations of your child. We will be posting the weekly observations each Friday. Your child will have at least one observation per fortnight - if you do not receive an observation on one week, there will be one posted the following week. Our first observation post will be Friday 29th September.

Last but not least, we cannot wait to welcome you to school for our Harvest Assembly. Scarecrow is the theme for Reception. In order to make our Harvest assembly a visual extravaganza, we are asking the Reception children to come to school dressed as scarecrows. Be as imaginative as you can! Use face paint, for instance, or decoate a straw hat. We also ask that the children wear their trainers to school on this particular day because they will have their PE lesson later in the day.

We hope you that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team